Supported languages
Word definition dictionaries
- English-English
- French-French
- Spanish-Spanish
Word translation dictionaries
- English to Arabic
- English to/from French/German/Italian/Russian/Spanish/Chinese
Full text translation service
- From: Danish/Dutch/English/French/German/Italian/Norwegian/Portuguese/Russian/Spanish/Swedish
- To: 100 other languages
This purchase is automatically logged to the Connect Cloud account with the SAME email address as used with this purchase.
CONNECT DESKTOP app is compatible with C-PEN Connect Bluetooth text scanner and C-Pen readers ReaderPen and LingoPen.
Connect app features
- File repository. Scan and save directly or import/export text files to/from ReaderPen/LingoPen. (FREE)
- Text Reader (requires pre-installed voices). Reads scanned text lines or full text files out aloud. Set to repeat to support better learning. (FREE)
- Word definition. Stop text reading at any time and get instant explaination of current word. (PAID – using this license)
- Share and collaborate. Text files can be synced to cloud and shared with friends for collaboration purposes. (FREE)
- Reading & definition statistics. Use local stats or import stats from ReaderPen/LingoPen, generate custom word lists and play word games for practice. (FREE)
- Scan to cursor. Minimize the app and use our Connect Bluetooth text scanner to scan text and numbers to any other app. (FREE)